Annual Report 2024

About this report

The consolidated financial statements of Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft were prepared in accordance with IFRS Accounting Standards adopted by the European Union. Moreover, requirements of German commercial law pursuant to German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch, HGB) as well as the German Corporate Governance Code have been complied. Unless otherwise specified, this is the basis for the analysis of financial information.

All figures shown are rounded in accordance with standard commercial practice, so minor discrepancies may arise from addition of these amounts; the same applies to the calculation of percentages. Unless stated otherwise, comparative prior-year figures are presented in parentheses next to the figures for the reporting period.

This annual report contains forward-looking statements on the business development of the Volkswagen Group. These statements are based on assumptions relating to the development of the economic, political and legal environment in individual countries, economic regions and markets, and in particular for the automotive industry, which we have made on the basis of the information available to us and which we consider to be realistic at the time of going to press. Risks are associated with the estimates, and actual developments may differ from those forecast. Any changes in significant parameters relating to our key sales markets, or any significant shifts in exchange rates, prices for energy and other commodities or the supply of parts relevant to the Volkswagen Group will have a corresponding effect on the development of our business. In addition, there may be departures from our expected business development if the assessments of the factors influencing sustainable value enhancement and of risks and opportunities presented in this annual report develop in a way other than we are currently expecting, or if additional risks and opportunities or other factors emerge that affect the development of our business.

We do not update forward-looking statements and do not assume any obligation beyond that required by law to update the forward-looking statements made in this annual report. Specified vehicle range values correspond to results obtained through the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP) on the chassis dynamometer. WLTP range values for series-produced vehicles may vary depending on the equipment. The actual range will deviate in practice depending on various other factors.

The format of this publication is not in line with the uniform electronic reporting format ESEF (European Single Electronic Format). The document in the statutory ESEF format was transmitted to the authority maintaining the German company register and published in that register (

This document is an English translation of the original report written in German. In case of discrepancies, the German version shall take precedence. To conserve resources, both language versions are available in digitalformat only, and can be accessed in the Investors section at

This Annual Report was published on the occasion of the Annual Media Conference on March 11, 2025.

Test procedure
Levels of fuel consumption and exhaust gas emissions for vehicles registered in Europe were previously measured on a chassis dynamometer with the help of the ”New European Driving Cycle (NEDC)“. Since fall 2017, the existing test procedure for emissions and fuel consumption used in the EU is being gradually replaced by the Worldwide Harmonized Light-Duty Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP). This has been in place for new vehicle types since fall 2017 and for all new vehicles since fall 2018. The aim of this new test cycle is to state CO2 emissions and fuel consumption in a more practice-oriented manner. A further important European regulation is the Real Driving Emissions (RDE) for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles, which also monitors emissions using portable emission measuring technology in real road traffic.
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