Cash flow Statement
of the Volkswagen Group for the period January 1 to December 31, 2024
€ million |
2024 |
20232 |
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period |
43,522 |
29,738 |
Earnings before tax |
16,806 |
23,099 |
Income taxes paid |
−6,187 |
−7,716 |
Depreciation and amortization of, and impairment losses on, intangible assets, property, plant and equipment, and investment property1 |
12,858 |
11,727 |
Amortization of and impairment losses on capitalized development costs1 |
7,209 |
5,184 |
Impairment losses on equity investments1 |
710 |
717 |
Depreciation of and impairment losses on lease assets1 |
11,279 |
10,655 |
Gain/loss on disposal of non-current assets and equity investments |
110 |
208 |
Share of the result of equity-accounted investments |
2,362 |
271 |
Other non-cash expense/income |
903 |
3,953 |
Change in inventories |
−2,695 |
−2,071 |
Change in receivables (excluding financial services) |
−2,083 |
−4,361 |
Change in liabilities (excluding financial liabilities) |
52 |
5,272 |
Change in provisions |
4,247 |
715 |
Change in lease assets |
−19,358 |
−14,964 |
Change in financial services receivables |
−9,061 |
−13,332 |
Cash flows from operating activities |
17,151 |
19,356 |
Investments in intangible assets (excluding development costs), property, plant and equipment, and investment property |
−17,202 |
−14,653 |
Additions to capitalized development costs |
−10,244 |
−11,142 |
Acquisition of subsidiaries |
−284 |
−675 |
Acquisition of other equity investments |
−2,152 |
−2,041 |
Disposal of subsidiaries |
−148 |
−63 |
Disposal of other equity investments |
231 |
41 |
Proceeds from disposal of intangible assets, property, plant and equipment, and investment property |
947 |
501 |
Change in investments in securities and time deposits |
−203 |
11,273 |
Change in loans |
−2,517 |
−3,054 |
Cash flows from investing activities |
−31,573 |
−19,812 |
Capital contributions/capital redemptions |
−1,144 |
1,003 |
Dividends paid |
−5,779 |
−11,732 |
Capital transactions with non-controlling interest shareholders |
– |
−8 |
Proceeds from issuance of bonds |
38,420 |
37,740 |
Repayments of bonds |
−32,617 |
−32,582 |
Proceeds from issuance of unlisted notes |
13,122 |
15,790 |
Repayments of unlisted notes |
−8,341 |
−8,981 |
Changes in other financial liabilities |
8,813 |
15,967 |
Repayments of lease liabilities |
−1,334 |
−1,190 |
Cash flows from financing activities |
11,140 |
16,008 |
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents |
55 |
−1,764 |
Change of loss allowance within cash and cash equivalents |
1 |
−2 |
Net change in cash and cash equivalents |
−3,226 |
13,785 |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period |
40,296 |
43,522 |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period |
40,296 |
43,522 |
Securities and time deposits and loans |
44,662 |
41,858 |
Gross liquidity |
84,959 |
85,380 |
Total third-party borrowings |
−254,081 |
−232,813 |
Net liquidity |
−169,122 |
−147,433 |
Explanatory notes on the cash flow statement are presented in the section relating to the cash flow statement.