2024 non-financial indicators of Volkswagen AG
In the sustainability report, the combined presentation was chosen for the non-financial statement to be submitted in the reporting year in accordance with section 289b through 289e HGB. As regards the information provided above in the sustainability report, all disclosures, regulations, processes described and metrics consistently apply to the Volkswagen Group, including Volkswagen AG. No additional aspects under the CSR-Richtlinie-Umsetzungsgesetz (German CSR Directive Implementation Act) were identified that apply exclusively to Volkswagen AG. As the parent of the Volkswagen Group, Volkswagen AG is fundamentally subject to the same expected developments and risks and opportunities. The table below shows the material non-financial indicators of Volkswagen AG.
2024 |
People |
Total workforce (as of December 31) |
112,091 |
Proportion of women in the workforce in % |
18.9 |
Proportion of women at top-management level in % |
10.3 |
Average number of training hours per employee per year |
10.3 |
Total recordable injury rate (TRIR) |
12.5 |
Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) |
7.4 |
Environment |
Total energy consumption in million MWh |
1.75 |
Scope 1 GHG emissions in million t CO2e |
1.37 |
Scope 2 GHG emissions (market-based) in million t CO2e |
0.09 |
Total water consumption in million m3 |
0.70 |
Total waste in million t |
0.57 |