Balance Sheet Disclosures
- 12. Intangible assets
- 13. Property, plant and equipment
- 14. Lease assets and investment property
- 15. Equity-accounted investments and other equity investments
- 16. Non-current and current financial services receivables
- 17. Non-current and current other financial assets
- 18. Non-current and current other receivables
- 19. Tax assets
- 20. Inventories
- 21. Trade receivables
- 22. Marketable securities and time deposits
- 23. Cash and cash equivalents
- 24. Equity
- 25. Non-current and current financial liabilities
- 26. Non-current and current other financial liabilities
- 27. Non-current and current other liabilities
- 28. Tax liabilities
- 29. Provisions for pensions and other post-employment benefits
- 30. Non-current and current other provisions
- 31. Trade payables
Hybrid notes
Hybrid notes issued by Volkswagen are classified in their entirety as equity. The issuer has call options at defined dates during their perpetual maturities. They pay a fixed coupon until the first possible call date, followed by a variable rate depending on their terms and conditions.
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