16. Non-current and current financial services receivables
€ million |
Current |
Non-current |
Dec. 31, 2024 |
Dec. 31, 2024 |
Current |
Non-current |
Dec. 31, 2023 |
Dec. 31, 2023 |
Receivables from financing business |
Customer financing |
25,880 |
51,719 |
77,599 |
78,966 |
27,025 |
49,354 |
76,379 |
76,713 |
Dealer financing |
20,294 |
3,478 |
23,772 |
23,781 |
17,968 |
3,780 |
21,748 |
21,731 |
Direct banking |
384 |
23 |
407 |
412 |
361 |
22 |
382 |
387 |
46,558 |
55,221 |
101,779 |
103,158 |
45,353 |
53,155 |
98,509 |
98,831 |
Receivables from operating leases |
588 |
– |
588 |
588 |
496 |
– |
496 |
496 |
Receivables from finance leases |
21,709 |
45,866 |
67,575 |
68,341 |
20,532 |
41,318 |
61,850 |
61,720 |
68,855 |
101,087 |
169,942 |
172,087 |
66,381 |
94,474 |
160,855 |
161,047 |
Finance lease receivables included in financial services receivables of €169.9 billion (previous year: €160.9 billion) increased by €113 million (previous year: increase of €293 million) due to hedged fair value changes of hedged items designated in portfolio hedges.
The receivables from customer and dealer financing are secured by vehicles or real property liens. Of the receivables, €1,124 million (previous year: €957 million) was furnished as collateral for financial liabilities and contingent liabilities.
The receivables from dealer financing include €1 million (previous year: €30 million) receivable from unconsolidated affiliated companies.