Annual Report 2024

Annex to the sustainability Report


Core elements of due diligence Section

Embedding due diligence in governance, strategy and business model

Sustainability Management

Sustainability-related aspects in the remuneration system for the members of the Board of Management of Volkswagen AG

Other elements of the respective topical standards

Engaging with affected stakeholders in all key steps of the due diligence

Interests and Views of Stakeholders

Sustainability Management

Procedure for and Results of the Double Materiality Assessment

Other elements of the respective topical standards

Identifying and assessing negative impacts

Procedure for and Results of the Double Materiality Assessment

Other elements of the respective topical standards where material negative impacts have been identified.

Taking actions to address those negative impacts

Description of the actions in the topical standards where material negative impacts have been identified.

Tracking the effectiveness of these efforts and communicating

Description in the topical standards as to whether and how the effectiveness of these efforts is tracked and how this is communicated