Other Disclosures
- 32. IAS 23 (Borrowing costs)
- 33. IFRS 16 (Leases)
- 34. IFRS 7 (Financial instruments)
- 35. Cash flow statement
- 36. Financial risk management and financial instruments
- 37. Capital management
- 38. Contingent liabilities
- 39. Litigation
- 40. Other financial obligations
- 41. Total fee of the Group auditor
- 42. Personnel expenses
- 43. Average number of employees during the year
- 44. Events after the balance sheet date
- 45. Remuneration based on performance shares
- 46. Related party disclosures in accordance with IAS 24
- 47. Notices and disclosure of changes regarding the ownership of voting rights in Volkswagen AG in accordance with the Wertpapierhandelsgesetz (WpHG – German Securities Trading Act)
- 48. German Corporate Governance Code
- 49. Remuneration of the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board
Equity ratio
The equity ratio measures the percentage of total assets attributable to shareholders’ equity as of a reporting date. This ratio indicates the stability and financial strength of the company and shows the degree of financial independence.
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Systematic assessment of companies in terms of their credit quality. Ratings are expressed by means of rating classes, which are defined differently by the individual rating agencies.
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