36. Financial risk management and financial instruments
1. Hedging guidelines and financial risk management principles
The principles and responsibilities for managing and controlling the risks that could arise from financial instruments are defined by the Board of Management and monitored by the Supervisory Board. General rules apply to the Group-wide risk policy; these are oriented on the statutory requirements and the “Minimum Requirements for Risk Management by Credit Institutions”.
Operational risk management and the control of risks from financial instruments is the responsibility of Group Treasury and Investor Relations. The Group Board of Management Committee for Risk Management is regularly informed about current financial risks. In addition, the Group Board of Management and the Supervisory Board are regularly updated on the current risk situation. The MAN Energy Solutions, Porsche AG, Porsche Holding Salzburg and TRATON GROUP subgroups and the Financial Services Division are in part included in Group Treasury’s operational risk management and control for risks relating to financial instruments and also have their own risk management structures.
For more information, see the section on financial risks in the Report on Risks and Opportunities of the group management report.
2. Credit and default risk
The credit and default risk arising from financial assets involves the risk of default by counterparties, and therefore comprises at a maximum the amount of the claims under carrying amounts receivable from them and the irrevocable credit commitments. The maximum potential credit and default risk is reduced by collateral held and other credit enhancements. Collateral is held predominantly for financial assets in the “at amortized cost” category. It relates primarily to collateral for financial services receivables and trade receivables. Collateral comprises vehicles and assets transferred as security, as well as guarantees and real property liens. Cash collateral is also used in hedging transactions.
For level 3 and level 4 financial assets with objective indications of impairment as of the reporting date, the collateral provided led to a reduction in risk by €1.8 billion (previous year: €1.3 billion). Collateral of €55 million (previous year: €6 million) has been accepted for assets measured at fair value through profit or loss.
Significant cash and capital investments, as well as derivatives, are entered into with national and international banks. Credit and default risk is limited by a limit system based primarily on the equity base of the counterparties concerned and on credit assessments by international rating agencies. Financial guarantees issued also give rise to credit and default risk. The maximum default risk is determined by the guarantee amount. The corresponding amounts are presented in the Liquidity risk section.
There were no material concentrations of risk at individual counterparties or counterparty groups in the fiscal year due to the global allocation of the Group’s business activities and the resulting diversification. Any existing concentration of risk is assessed and monitored both at the level of individual counterparties or counterparty groups and with regard to the countries in which these are based, in each case using the share of all credit and default risk exposures accounted for by the risk exposure concerned. This analysis excludes the items of Chinese companies in which Volkswagen holds an interest of 50% or less.
The share of credit and default risk exposures attributable to China amounted to 18.4% at the end of 2024, compared with 17.5% at the end of 2023. There were other concentrations of risk for France (12.9%, previous year: 11.8%), the United States (12.7%, previous year: 8.8%) and Germany (11.9%, previous year: 18.1%). Other than those, there were no material concentrations of credit and default risk exposures in individual countries.
Loss allowance
The Volkswagen Group consistently uses the expected credit loss model of IFRS 9 for all financial assets and other risk exposures.
The expected credit loss model under IFRS 9 takes in both loss allowances for financial assets for which there are no objective indications of impairment and loss allowances for financial assets that are already impaired. For the calculation of impairment losses, IFRS 9 distinguishes between the general approach and the simplified approach.
Under the general approach, financial assets are allocated to one of three stages, plus an additional stage for financial assets that are already impaired when acquired (stage 4). Stage 1 comprises financial assets that are recognized for the first time or for which the probability of default has not increased significantly. The expected credit losses for the next twelve months are calculated at this stage. Stage 2 comprises financial assets with a significantly increased probability of default, while financial assets with objective indications of default are allocated to stage 3. The lifetime expected credit losses are calculated at these stages. Stage 4 financial assets, which are already impaired when acquired, are subsequently measured by recognizing a loss allowance on the basis of the accumulated lifetime expected losses. Financial assets classified as impaired on acquisition remain in this category until they are derecognized.
The Volkswagen Group applies the simplified approach to trade receivables and contract assets in accordance with IFRS 15. The same applies to receivables under operating or finance leases accounted for under IFRS 16. Under the simplified approach, the expected losses are consistently determined for the entire life of the asset.
The tables below show the reconciliation of the loss allowance for various financial assets and financial guarantees and credit commitments:
€ million |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Simplified approach |
Stage 4 |
Total |
Carrying amount at Jan. 1, 2024 |
146,691 |
13,839 |
2,388 |
23,703 |
351 |
186,972 |
Foreign exchange differences |
−477 |
−104 |
−80 |
−50 |
−20 |
−731 |
Changes in consolidated group |
−302 |
−4 |
−7 |
57 |
– |
−256 |
Changes |
5,990 |
−836 |
−517 |
−1,210 |
56 |
3,482 |
Modifications |
4 |
0 |
−1 |
3 |
0 |
7 |
Transfers to |
Stage 1 |
3,113 |
−2,972 |
−141 |
– |
– |
0 |
Stage 2 |
−8,045 |
8,111 |
−66 |
– |
– |
0 |
Stage 3 |
−895 |
−495 |
1,387 |
– |
– |
−2 |
Carrying amount at Dec. 31, 2024 |
146,080 |
17,540 |
2,962 |
22,502 |
387 |
189,472 |
€ million |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Simplified approach |
Stage 4 |
Total |
Carrying amount at Jan. 1, 2024 |
890 |
654 |
1,380 |
628 |
25 |
3,578 |
Foreign exchange differences |
−19 |
−10 |
−49 |
−2 |
−8 |
−88 |
Changes in consolidated group |
−30 |
0 |
−3 |
4 |
– |
−29 |
Newly extended/purchased financial assets (additions) |
1,337 |
– |
– |
321 |
52 |
1,709 |
Other changes within a stage |
−290 |
−62 |
241 |
3 |
−9 |
−117 |
Transfers to |
Stage 1 |
28 |
−93 |
−20 |
– |
– |
−86 |
Stage 2 |
−157 |
471 |
−24 |
– |
– |
290 |
Stage 3 |
−107 |
−103 |
624 |
– |
– |
414 |
Financial instruments derecognized during the period (disposals) |
−329 |
−214 |
−314 |
−157 |
−10 |
−1,024 |
Utilization |
– |
– |
−373 |
−41 |
−6 |
−421 |
Changes to models or risk parameters |
−3 |
−12 |
7 |
7 |
1 |
0 |
Carrying amount at Dec. 31, 2024 |
1,320 |
631 |
1,468 |
762 |
46 |
4,227 |
€ million |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Simplified approach |
Stage 4 |
Total |
Carrying amount at Jan. 1, 2023 |
137,947 |
12,423 |
2,063 |
20,746 |
368 |
173,548 |
Foreign exchange differences |
−2,068 |
−41 |
18 |
−170 |
2 |
−2,258 |
Changes in consolidated group |
−354 |
– |
– |
184 |
– |
−170 |
Changes |
14,054 |
−613 |
−532 |
2,941 |
−19 |
15,831 |
Modifications |
5 |
1 |
0 |
– |
0 |
6 |
Transfers to |
Stage 1 |
3,512 |
−3,450 |
−62 |
– |
– |
0 |
Stage 2 |
−5,756 |
5,834 |
−78 |
– |
– |
0 |
Stage 3 |
−664 |
−314 |
978 |
– |
– |
0 |
Classified as held for sale |
15 |
– |
– |
1 |
– |
16 |
Carrying amount at Dec. 31, 2023 |
146,691 |
13,839 |
2,388 |
23,703 |
351 |
186,972 |
€ million |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Simplified approach |
Stage 4 |
Total |
Carrying amount at Jan. 1, 2023 |
904 |
740 |
1,134 |
519 |
26 |
3,323 |
Foreign exchange differences |
−15 |
−2 |
12 |
−1 |
2 |
−5 |
Changes in consolidated group |
0 |
– |
– |
22 |
– |
22 |
Newly extended/purchased financial assets (additions) |
688 |
– |
– |
242 |
6 |
936 |
Other changes within a stage |
−189 |
−174 |
153 |
8 |
11 |
−191 |
Transfers to |
Stage 1 |
34 |
−99 |
−19 |
– |
– |
−85 |
Stage 2 |
−118 |
336 |
−36 |
– |
– |
183 |
Stage 3 |
−225 |
−71 |
607 |
– |
– |
311 |
Financial instruments derecognized during the period (disposals) |
−217 |
−117 |
−160 |
−159 |
−11 |
−664 |
Utilization |
– |
– |
−315 |
−21 |
−12 |
−348 |
Changes to models or risk parameters |
28 |
41 |
4 |
18 |
4 |
96 |
Classified as held for sale |
– |
– |
– |
0 |
– |
0 |
Carrying amount at Dec. 31, 2023 |
890 |
654 |
1,380 |
628 |
25 |
3,578 |
€ million |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Stage 4 |
Total |
Carrying amount at Jan. 1, 2024 |
10,185 |
2,683 |
174 |
92 |
13,134 |
Foreign exchange differences |
3 |
46 |
1 |
0 |
50 |
Changes in consolidated group |
776 |
0 |
– |
– |
776 |
Changes |
1,010 |
28 |
−17 |
13 |
1,034 |
Modifications |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Transfers to |
Stage 1 |
268 |
−236 |
−32 |
– |
0 |
Stage 2 |
−1,076 |
1,077 |
−2 |
– |
0 |
Stage 3 |
−13 |
−9 |
23 |
– |
0 |
Carrying amount at Dec. 31, 2024 |
11,153 |
3,590 |
147 |
105 |
14,994 |
€ million |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Stage 4 |
Total |
Carrying amount at Jan. 1, 2024 |
27 |
10 |
44 |
10 |
90 |
Foreign exchange differences |
3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
Changes in consolidated group |
3 |
0 |
– |
– |
3 |
Newly extended/purchased financial assets (additions) |
96 |
– |
– |
1 |
97 |
Other changes within a stage |
3 |
3 |
−20 |
−1 |
−14 |
Transfers to |
Stage 1 |
7 |
−2 |
−6 |
– |
0 |
Stage 2 |
−4 |
4 |
−1 |
– |
0 |
Stage 3 |
−4 |
−2 |
7 |
– |
2 |
Financial instruments derecognized during the period (disposals) |
−10 |
−4 |
−2 |
−1 |
−17 |
Utilization |
– |
– |
−3 |
– |
−3 |
Changes to models or risk parameters |
– |
– |
0 |
– |
0 |
Carrying amount at Dec. 31, 2024 |
121 |
10 |
20 |
9 |
160 |
€ million |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Stage 4 |
Total |
Carrying amount at Jan. 1, 2023 |
9,960 |
3,529 |
318 |
222 |
14,029 |
Foreign exchange differences |
0 |
20 |
0 |
0 |
20 |
Changes in consolidated group |
−178 |
– |
– |
– |
−178 |
Changes |
473 |
−928 |
−151 |
−130 |
−736 |
Modifications |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Transfers to |
Stage 1 |
36 |
−36 |
0 |
– |
0 |
Stage 2 |
−99 |
101 |
−1 |
– |
0 |
Stage 3 |
−5 |
−3 |
8 |
– |
– |
Carrying amount at Dec. 31, 2023 |
10,185 |
2,683 |
174 |
92 |
13,134 |
€ million |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Stage 4 |
Total |
Carrying amount at Jan. 1, 2023 |
34 |
19 |
23 |
32 |
108 |
Foreign exchange differences |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Changes in consolidated group |
0 |
– |
– |
– |
0 |
Newly extended/purchased financial assets (additions) |
10 |
– |
– |
0 |
10 |
Other changes within a stage |
−4 |
−8 |
18 |
−21 |
−15 |
Transfers to |
Stage 1 |
1 |
−1 |
– |
– |
0 |
Stage 2 |
−1 |
1 |
– |
– |
0 |
Stage 3 |
−3 |
0 |
6 |
– |
3 |
Financial instruments derecognized during the period (disposals) |
−10 |
−1 |
0 |
−2 |
−14 |
Utilization |
– |
– |
−3 |
– |
−3 |
Changes to models or risk parameters |
– |
– |
0 |
– |
0 |
Carrying amount at Dec. 31, 2023 |
27 |
10 |
44 |
10 |
90 |
€ million |
2024 |
2023 |
Carrying amount at Jan. 1 |
64,035 |
57,015 |
Foreign exchange differences |
721 |
374 |
Changes in consolidated group |
−49 |
−232 |
Changes |
5,679 |
6,869 |
Modifications |
6 |
8 |
Carrying amount at Dec. 31 |
70,392 |
64,035 |
€ million |
2024 |
2023 |
Carrying amount at Jan. 1 |
1,341 |
1,713 |
Foreign exchange differences |
−5 |
17 |
Changes in consolidated group |
−48 |
−162 |
Newly extended/purchased financial assets (additions) |
793 |
510 |
Other changes |
−97 |
−224 |
Financial instruments derecognized during the period (disposals) |
−310 |
−400 |
Utilization |
−61 |
−82 |
Changes to models or risk parameters |
−18 |
−32 |
Carrying amount at Dec. 31 |
1,594 |
1,341 |
€ million |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Simplified approach |
Stage 4 |
No loss allowance |
Total |
Carrying amount at Jan. 1, 2024 |
2,685 |
1,797 |
– |
– |
−56 |
28,228 |
32,654 |
Foreign exchange differences |
28 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
96 |
123 |
Changes in consolidated group |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
0 |
0 |
Changes |
529 |
−917 |
– |
– |
– |
1,208 |
820 |
Modifications |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Transfers to |
Stage 1 |
459 |
−459 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Stage 2 |
−79 |
79 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Stage 3 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Carrying amount at Dec. 31, 2024 |
3,622 |
500 |
– |
– |
−56 |
29,532 |
33,597 |
€ million |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Simplified approach |
Stage 4 |
No loss allowance |
Total |
Carrying amount at Jan. 1, 2023 |
1,470 |
2,768 |
– |
– |
– |
28,456 |
32,694 |
Foreign exchange differences |
−15 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
−43 |
−57 |
Changes in consolidated group |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Changes |
1,230 |
−971 |
– |
– |
−56 |
−193 |
10 |
Modifications |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
7 |
7 |
Transfers to |
Stage 1 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Stage 2 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Stage 3 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Carrying amount at Dec. 31, 2023 |
2,685 |
1,797 |
– |
– |
−56 |
28,228 |
32,654 |
The loss allowance on assets measured at fair value in Stage 1 decreased by €1 million in fiscal year 2024 (previous year: increase of €6 million) and those in Stage 2 declined by €1 million (previous year: increase of €2 million), resulting in a closing balance of €11 million (previous year: €12 million). Of this amount, €9 million is attributable to Stage 1 (previous year: €10 million) and €2 million to Stage 2 (previous year €3 million).
The amount contractually outstanding for financial assets that have been derecognized in the current fiscal year and are still subject to enforcement proceedings is €238 million (previous year: €270 million).
There were contract modifications to financial assets in the reporting period that did not lead to the derecognition of the asset. These were primarily the result of changes in credit ratings and relate to financial assets for which loss allowances were measured in the amount of the expected lifetime credit losses. For trade and lease receivables, the treatment is simplified by considering the credit rating-based modifications where the receivables are more than 30 days past due. Before the modification, amortized cost amount to €285 million (previous year: €315 million). In the reporting period, contract modifications resulted in net income (−)/net expenses (+) of €0.4 million (previous year: €– 1 million).
As of the reporting date, the gross carrying amounts of financial assets that have been modified since initial recognition and were simultaneously reclassified from stage 2 or 3 to stage 1 in the reporting period amounted to €27 million (previous year: €81 million). As a result, the measurement of the loss allowance for these financial assets was changed from lifetime expected credit losses to 12-month expected credit losses.
Maximum credit risk
The table below shows the maximum credit risk to which the Volkswagen Group was exposed as of the reporting date, broken down by class to which the impairment model is applied:
€ million |
Dec. 31, 2024 |
Dec. 31, 2023 |
Financial assets measured at fair value |
4,055 |
4,413 |
Financial assets measured at amortized cost |
185,234 |
183,392 |
Financial guarantees and credit commitments |
14,834 |
13,044 |
Not allocated to a measurement category |
68,797 |
62,346 |
Total |
272,921 |
263,196 |
Rating categories
The Volkswagen Group performs a credit assessment of borrowers in all loan and lease agreements, using scoring systems for the high-volume business and rating systems for corporate customers as well as receivables from dealer financing. Receivables rated as good are contained in risk class 1. Receivables from customers whose credit rating is not good but have not yet defaulted are contained in risk class 2. Risk class 3 comprises all defaulted receivables.
The table below presents the gross carrying amounts of financial assets by rating category:
€ million |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Simplified approach |
Stage 4 |
Credit risk rating grade 1 (receivables with no credit risk – standard loans) |
145,608 |
11,420 |
– |
87,022 |
44 |
Credit risk rating grade 2 (receivables with credit risk – intensified loan management) |
4,094 |
6,620 |
– |
3,872 |
74 |
Credit risk rating grade 3 (cancelled receivables – non-performing loans) |
– |
– |
2,962 |
1,999 |
214 |
Total |
149,702 |
18,040 |
2,962 |
92,894 |
331 |
€ million |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Simplified approach |
Stage 4 |
Credit risk rating grade 1 (receivables with no credit risk – standard loans) |
143,891 |
9,504 |
– |
83,823 |
28 |
Credit risk rating grade 2 (receivables with credit risk – intensified loan management) |
5,485 |
6,132 |
– |
2,610 |
54 |
Credit risk rating grade 3 (cancelled receivables – non-performing loans) |
– |
– |
2,388 |
1,304 |
214 |
Total |
149,376 |
15,637 |
2,388 |
87,737 |
295 |
Furthermore, the default risk exposure for financial guarantees and credit commitments is presented below:
€ million |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Stage 4 |
Credit risk rating grade 1 (receivables with no credit risk – standard loans) |
11,101 |
3,186 |
– |
65 |
Credit risk rating grade 2 (receivables with credit risk – intensified loan management) |
52 |
404 |
– |
1 |
Credit risk rating grade 3 (cancelled receivables – non-performing loans) |
– |
– |
147 |
38 |
Total |
11,153 |
3,590 |
147 |
105 |
€ million |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Stage 4 |
Credit risk rating grade 1 (receivables with no credit risk – standard loans) |
10,040 |
2,579 |
– |
14 |
Credit risk rating grade 2 (receivables with credit risk – intensified loan management) |
145 |
104 |
– |
3 |
Credit risk rating grade 3 (cancelled receivables – non-performing loans) |
– |
– |
174 |
75 |
Total |
10,185 |
2,683 |
174 |
92 |
Collateral that was accepted for financial assets in the current fiscal year was recognized in the balance sheet in the amount of €257 million (previous year: €303 million). This mainly relates to vehicles.
3. Liquidity risk
The solvency and liquidity of the Volkswagen Group are secured by rolling liquidity planning, a liquidity reserve, confirmed credit lines and the issuance of securities on the international money and capital markets. The volume of confirmed bilateral and syndicated credit lines stood at €32.4 billion as of December 31, 2024 (previous year: €31.3 billion), of which €2.1 billion (previous year: €0.4 billion) was drawn down.
Local cash funds in certain countries (e.g. China, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa and India) are only available to the Group for cross-border transactions subject to exchange controls. There are no significant restrictions over and above these. The liquidity risk in Argentina continues to be high. In 2024, the Argentinian peso depreciated by 21% against the euro. It cannot be ruled out that the currency will depreciate further in fiscal year 2025.
Under the existing reverse factoring program, Volkswagen agrees an extension of payment terms with participating suppliers. If the program were to be terminated, the original payment terms would come into force again, and liabilities would have to be settled sooner as a result. The resulting effects on liquidity do not represent a liquidity risk, since the liabilities subject to reverse factoring arrangements are not a material part of total liabilities. Moreover, Volkswagen has enough financial instruments to meet short-term liquidity requirements on the credit, money, or capital markets. The reverse factoring program is intended by Volkswagen to provide long-term support to suppliers and stabilize the supply chain; there are no plans, therefore, to terminate the program in the near future.
The following overview shows the contractual undiscounted cash flows from financial instruments:
€ million |
up to one year |
within one to five years |
more than five years |
2024 |
up to one year |
within one to five years |
more than five years |
2023 |
Financial liabilities |
124,703 |
128,575 |
21,894 |
275,172 |
116,805 |
111,952 |
23,572 |
252,328 |
Trade payables |
29,772 |
– |
– |
29,772 |
30,890 |
11 |
1 |
30,901 |
Other financial liabilities |
11,141 |
2,299 |
47 |
13,487 |
11,374 |
2,135 |
107 |
13,616 |
Derivatives |
92,843 |
99,190 |
4,993 |
197,026 |
81,487 |
88,276 |
10,295 |
180,058 |
Liabilities associated with assets held for sale |
– |
– |
– |
– |
18 |
0 |
– |
19 |
258,460 |
230,065 |
26,933 |
515,458 |
240,575 |
202,373 |
33,974 |
476,922 |
The cash outflows on other financial liabilities include outflows on liabilities for tax allocations amounting to €18 million (previous year: €18 million).
Derivatives comprise both cash flows from derivative financial instruments with negative fair values and cash flows from derivatives with positive fair values for which a gross settlement has been agreed. Derivatives entered into through offsetting transactions are also accounted for as cash outflows. The cash outflows from derivatives for which a gross settlement has been agreed are matched in part by cash inflows. These cash inflows are not reported in the maturity analysis. If these cash inflows were also recognized, the cash outflows presented would be substantially lower. This also particularly applies if hedges have been closed with offsetting transactions.
The cash outflows from obligations from loan commitments and irrevocable credit commitments are presented in the section entitled “Other financial obligations”, classified by contractual maturities.
As of December 31, 2024, the maximum potential liability under financial guarantees amounted to €787 million (previous year: €910 million). Financial guarantees are assumed to be due immediately in all cases.
4. Market risk
4.1 Hedging policy and financial derivatives
During the course of its general business activities, the Volkswagen Group is exposed to foreign currency, interest rate, commodity price, equity price and fund price risk. Corporate policy is to limit such risk by means of hedging. Generally, all necessary hedging transactions are executed or coordinated centrally; exceptions include, among others, the MAN Energy Solutions, Porsche AG, Porsche Holding Salzburg and TRATON GROUP subgroups and the Financial Services Division, as well as some regions such as South America and China.
Disclosures on gains and losses from fair value hedges
Fair value hedges involve hedging against the risk of changes in the carrying amount of balance sheet items. As of the reporting date, both hedging instruments and hedged items are measured at fair value in relation to the hedged risk, and the resulting opposite changes in value are recognized in the corresponding income statement item.
The following table shows the gains and losses from fair value hedges by risk type:
€ million |
Dec. 31, 2024 |
Dec. 31, 2023 |
Hedging interest rate risk |
Other financial result |
−5 |
−10 |
Other operating result |
−20 |
−48 |
Hedging currency risk |
Other financial result |
– |
– |
Other operating result |
−75 |
−45 |
Combined interest rate and currency risk hedging |
Other financial result |
– |
– |
Other operating result |
0 |
0 |
Disclosures on gains and losses from cash flow hedges
Cash flow hedges are used to hedge against risks of fluctuations in future cash flows. These cash flows may arise from a recognized asset or liability, or from a highly probable forecast transaction. The following table shows the gains and losses from cash flow hedges by risk type:
€ million |
2024 |
2023 |
Hedging interest rate risk |
Gains or losses from changes in fair value of hedging instruments within hedge accounting |
Recognized in equity |
−38 |
−278 |
Recognized in profit or loss |
−6 |
−4 |
Reclassification from the cash flow hedge reserve to profit or loss |
Due to early discontinuation of the hedging relationships |
– |
– |
Due to realization of the hedged item |
4 |
4 |
Hedging currency risk |
Gains or losses from changes in fair value of hedging instruments within hedge accounting |
Recognized in equity |
−200 |
467 |
Recognized in profit or loss |
3 |
2 |
Reclassification from the cash flow hedge reserve to profit or loss or inventories |
Due to early discontinuation of the hedging relationships |
−82 |
−91 |
Due to realization of the hedged item |
108 |
362 |
Combined interest rate and currency risk hedging |
Gains or losses from changes in fair value of hedging instruments within hedge accounting |
Recognized in equity |
58 |
72 |
Recognized in profit or loss |
0 |
– |
Reclassification from the cash flow hedge reserve to profit or loss |
Due to early discontinuation of the hedging relationships |
– |
– |
Due to realization of the hedged item |
−37 |
−57 |
Hedging commodities price risk |
Gains or losses from changes in fair value of hedging instruments within hedge accounting |
Recognized in equity |
−576 |
5 |
Recognized in profit or loss |
−17 |
– |
Reclassification from the cash flow hedge reserve to profit or loss or inventories |
Due to early discontinuation of the hedging relationships |
11 |
– |
Due to realization of the hedged item |
13 |
1 |
The table presents effects taken to equity, reduced by deferred taxes.
The gain or loss from changes in the fair value of hedging instruments used in hedge accounting corresponds to the basis for determining hedge ineffectiveness. The ineffective portion of a cash flow hedge is the income or expense resulting from changes in the fair value of the hedging instrument that exceed the changes in the fair value of the hedged item. This hedge ineffectiveness is attributable to differences in the parameters for the hedging instrument and the hedged item. Such income and expenses are recognized in other operating income/expenses or in the other financial result.
The Volkswagen Group uses two different methods to present market risk from non-derivative and derivative financial instruments in accordance with IFRS 7. For quantitative risk measurement, interest rate and foreign currency risk in Volkswagen Group Mobility is measured using a value-at-risk (VaR) model on the basis of a historical simulation, while market risk in the other Group companies is determined using a sensitivity analysis. The value-at-risk calculation indicates the size of the maximum potential loss on the portfolio as a whole within a time horizon of 60 days, measured at a confidence level of 99%. To provide the basis for this calculation, all cash flows from non-derivative and derivative financial instruments are aggregated into an interest rate gap analysis. The historical market data used in calculating VaR covers a period of four years. The sensitivity analysis calculates the effect on equity and profit or loss by modifying risk variables within the respective market risks.
Disclosures on hedging instruments in hedge accounting
The Volkswagen Group regularly enters into hedging instruments to hedge against changes in the carrying amount of balance sheet items. The summary below shows the notional amounts, fair values and base variables for determining the ineffectiveness of hedging instruments entered into to hedge against the risk of changes in carrying amounts in fair value hedges:
€ million |
Notional amount |
Other assets |
Other liabilities |
Fair value changes to determine hedge ineffectiveness |
Hedging interest rate risk |
Interest rate swaps |
45,506 |
204 |
1,102 |
−1,071 |
Hedging currency risk |
Currency forwards, currency options, cross-currency swaps |
4,209 |
91 |
16 |
55 |
Combined interest rate and currency risk hedging |
Cross-currency interest rate swaps |
1,578 |
124 |
25 |
28 |
€ million |
Notional amount |
Other assets |
Other liabilities |
Fair value changes to determine hedge ineffectiveness |
Hedging interest rate risk |
Interest rate swaps |
52,663 |
366 |
1,773 |
−1,693 |
Hedging currency risk |
Currency forwards, currency options, cross-currency swaps |
6,749 |
67 |
64 |
−31 |
Combined interest rate and currency risk hedging |
Cross-currency interest rate swaps |
773 |
9 |
67 |
−55 |
In addition, hedges are used to hedge against risks of fluctuations in future cash flows. The table below shows the notional amounts, fair values and base variables for determining the ineffectiveness of hedging instruments designated in cash flow hedges:
€ million |
Notional amount |
Other assets |
Other liabilities |
Fair value changes to determine hedge ineffectiveness |
Hedging interest rate risk |
Interest rate swaps |
20,502 |
131 |
89 |
36 |
Hedging currency risk |
Currency forwards and cross-currency swaps |
128,962 |
3,830 |
2,688 |
1,379 |
Currency options |
8,321 |
126 |
104 |
35 |
Combined interest rate and currency risk hedging |
Cross-currency interest rate swaps |
1,549 |
152 |
0 |
35 |
Hedging commodities price risk |
Commodity forwards/swaps |
9,156 |
300 |
656 |
−741 |
€ million |
Notional amount |
Other assets |
Other liabilities |
Fair value changes to determine hedge ineffectiveness |
Hedging interest rate risk |
Interest rate swaps |
17,331 |
165 |
62 |
27 |
Hedging currency risk |
Currency forwards and cross-currency swaps |
113,139 |
3,534 |
2,273 |
2,340 |
Currency options |
14,231 |
208 |
152 |
31 |
Combined interest rate and currency risk hedging |
Cross-currency interest rate swaps |
1,273 |
49 |
15 |
26 |
Hedging commodities price risk |
Commodity forwards/swaps |
431 |
15 |
6 |
9 |
The fair value change used to determine ineffectiveness corresponds to the fair value change of the designated component.
Disclosures on hedged items in hedge accounting
In addition to disclosures on hedging instruments, disclosures are also required on the hedged items, broken down by risk category and type of designation for hedge accounting. Below follows a list of hedged items designated in fair value hedges, separately from those designated in cash flow hedges:
€ million |
Carrying amount |
Cumulative hedge adjustments |
Hedge adjustments current period/fiscal year |
Cumulative hedge adjustments from discontinued hedging relationships |
Hedging interest rate risk |
Financial services receivables |
20,588 |
92 |
−202 |
– |
Other financial assets |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Financial liabilities |
30,909 |
−654 |
888 |
– |
Hedging currency risk |
Financial services receivables |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Other financial assets |
1,335 |
0 |
3 |
– |
Financial liabilities |
461 |
−62 |
−50 |
– |
Combined interest rate and currency risk hedging |
Financial services receivables |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Other financial assets |
34 |
−1 |
−6 |
– |
Financial liabilities |
1,248 |
113 |
−3 |
– |
€ million |
Carrying amount |
Cumulative hedge adjustments |
Hedge adjustments current period/fiscal year |
Cumulative hedge adjustments from discontinued hedging relationships |
Hedging interest rate risk |
Financial services receivables |
18,196 |
293 |
225 |
– |
Other financial assets |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Financial liabilities |
37,503 |
−1,527 |
1,065 |
– |
Hedging currency risk |
Financial services receivables |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Other financial assets |
1,169 |
2 |
2 |
– |
Financial liabilities |
856 |
−5 |
2 |
– |
Combined interest rate and currency risk hedging |
Financial services receivables |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Other financial assets |
36 |
0 |
0 |
– |
Financial liabilities |
976 |
116 |
77 |
– |
€ million |
Changes in fair value to determine hedge ineffectiveness |
Active cash flow hedges |
Discontinued cash flow hedges |
Hedging interest rate risk |
Designated components |
15 |
18 |
−8 |
Non-designated components |
– |
– |
– |
Deferred taxes |
– |
−13 |
2 |
Total hedging interest rate risk |
15 |
4 |
−6 |
Hedging currency risk |
Designated components |
1,433 |
1,413 |
19 |
Non-designated components |
– |
−526 |
15 |
Deferred taxes |
– |
−223 |
−10 |
Total hedging currency risk |
1,433 |
664 |
24 |
Combined interest rate and currency risk hedging |
Designated components |
48 |
26 |
– |
Non-designated components |
– |
– |
– |
Deferred taxes |
– |
−9 |
– |
Total hedging combined interest rate and currency risk |
48 |
17 |
– |
Hedging commodity price risk |
Designated components |
−782 |
−723 |
−58 |
Non-designated components |
– |
– |
– |
Deferred taxes |
– |
217 |
17 |
Total hedging commodity price risk |
−782 |
−506 |
−40 |
€ million |
Changes in fair value to determine hedge ineffectiveness |
Active cash flow hedges |
Discontinued cash flow hedges |
Hedging interest rate risk |
Designated components |
25 |
30 |
1 |
Non-designated components |
– |
– |
– |
Deferred taxes |
– |
1 |
0 |
Total hedging interest rate risk |
25 |
31 |
1 |
Hedging currency risk |
Designated components |
2,338 |
2,320 |
26 |
Non-designated components |
– |
−1,137 |
−24 |
Deferred taxes |
– |
−324 |
−1 |
Total hedging currency risk |
2,338 |
859 |
2 |
Combined interest rate and currency risk hedging |
Designated components |
26 |
−7 |
– |
Non-designated components |
– |
– |
– |
Deferred taxes |
– |
2 |
– |
Total hedging combined interest rate and currency risk |
26 |
−5 |
– |
Hedging commodity price risk |
Designated components |
10 |
9 |
– |
Non-designated components |
– |
– |
– |
Deferred taxes |
– |
−3 |
– |
Total hedging commodity price risk |
10 |
6 |
– |
Changes in the reserve
When accounting for cash flow hedges, the designated effective portions of a hedge are recognized in OCI I directly in equity. All changes beyond this in the fair value of the designated component are recognized as ineffectiveness in profit or loss.
The tables below show a reconciliation to the reserve:
€ million |
Interest rate risk |
Currency risk |
Interest rate/currency risk |
Commodity price risk |
Total |
Balance at Jan. 1, 2024 |
33 |
1,669 |
−5 |
6 |
1,703 |
Gains or losses from effective hedging relationships |
−38 |
117 |
58 |
−576 |
−439 |
Reclassifications due to changes in whether the hedged item is expected to occur |
– |
−67 |
– |
11 |
−56 |
Reclassifications due to realization of the hedged item |
4 |
−689 |
−37 |
13 |
−709 |
Balance at Dec. 31, 2024 |
−2 |
1,030 |
17 |
−547 |
498 |
€ million |
Interest rate risk |
Currency risk |
Interest rate/currency risk |
Commodity price risk |
Total |
Balance at Jan. 1, 2023 |
307 |
1,397 |
−20 |
– |
1,684 |
Gains or losses from effective hedging relationships |
−278 |
733 |
72 |
5 |
533 |
Reclassifications due to changes in whether the hedged item is expected to occur |
– |
−137 |
– |
– |
−137 |
Reclassifications due to realization of the hedged item |
4 |
−325 |
−57 |
1 |
−377 |
Balance at Dec. 31, 2023 |
33 |
1,669 |
−5 |
6 |
1,703 |
If expectations about the occurrence of the hedged item change, the arrangement is reclassified by terminating the hedging relationship prematurely. Changed expectations are primarily caused by a change in projections related to the hedging of purchase transactions.
Changes in the fair values of non-designated components of a derivative are likewise generally recognized immediately through profit or loss. An exception from this principle is any change in the fair value attributable to non-designated time values of options, to the extent that they relate to the hedged item. Moreover, the Volkswagen Group initially recognizes in equity (hedging costs) changes in the fair values of non-designated forward components in currency forwards and currency hedges attributed to cash flow hedges. This means that the Volkswagen Group recognizes changes in the fair value of the non-designated component respectively parts thereof immediately through profit or loss only if there is ineffectiveness.
The tables below show a summary of changes in the reserve for hedging costs resulting from the non-designated portions of options and currency hedges:
€ million |
2024 |
2023 |
Balance at Jan. 1 |
−22 |
−87 |
Gains and losses from non-designated time value of options |
Hedged item is recognized at a point in time |
−80 |
17 |
Reclassifications due to changes in whether the hedged item is expected to occur |
Hedged item is recognized at a point in time |
1 |
1 |
Reclassification due to realization of the hedged item |
Hedged item is recognized at a point in time |
77 |
46 |
Balance at Dec. 31 |
−24 |
−22 |
€ million |
2024 |
2023 |
Balance at Jan. 1 |
−785 |
−1,187 |
Gains and losses from non-designated forward elements and CCBS |
Hedged item is recognized at a point in time |
−236 |
−283 |
Reclassification due to changes in whether the hedged item is expected to occur |
Hedged item is recognized at a point in time |
−15 |
44 |
Reclassifications due to realization of the hedged item |
Hedged item is recognized at a point in time |
719 |
641 |
Balance at Dec. 31 |
−318 |
−785 |
4.2 Market risk in the Volkswagen Group (excluding Volkswagen Group Mobility)
4.2.1 Foreign currency risk
Foreign currency risk in the Volkswagen Group (excluding Volkswagen Group Mobility) is attributable to investments, financing measures and operating activities. Currency forwards, currency options, currency swaps and cross-currency interest rate swaps are used to limit foreign currency risk. These transactions relate to the exchange rate hedging of material payments covering general business activities that are not made in the functional currency of the respective Group companies. The principle of matching currencies applies to the Group’s financing activities.
Hedging transactions entered into in 2024 as part of foreign currency risk management were amongst others in Australian dollars, Brazilian real, British pound sterling, Chinese renminbi, Hong Kong dollars, Indian rupees, Japanese yen, Canadian dollars, Mexican pesos, Norwegian kroner, Polish zloty, Swedish kronor, Swiss francs, Singapore dollars, South African rand, South Korean won, Taiwan dollars, Czech koruna, Hungarian forints and US dollars.
All non-functional currencies in which the Volkswagen Group enters into financial instruments are included as relevant risk variables in the sensitivity analysis in accordance with IFRS 7.
If the functional currencies concerned had appreciated or depreciated by 10% against the other currencies, the exchange rates shown below would have resulted in the following effects on the hedging reserve in equity and on earnings after tax. It is not appropriate to add together the individual figures, since the results of the various functional currencies concerned are based on different scenarios.
The following table shows the sensitivities of the main currencies in the portfolio as of December 31, 2024:
DEC. 31, 2024 |
DEC. 31, 2023 |
€ million |
+10% |
−10% |
+10% |
−10% |
Exchange rate |
Hedging reserve |
1,868 |
−1,871 |
1,176 |
−1,182 |
Earnings after tax |
−113 |
110 |
−93 |
87 |
Hedging reserve |
689 |
−648 |
754 |
−644 |
Earnings after tax |
−230 |
230 |
−542 |
542 |
Hedging reserve |
221 |
−221 |
191 |
−190 |
Earnings after tax |
−678 |
673 |
−234 |
234 |
Hedging reserve |
810 |
−829 |
883 |
−909 |
Earnings after tax |
10 |
−11 |
10 |
−10 |
Hedging reserve |
−33 |
55 |
408 |
−393 |
Earnings after tax |
−430 |
401 |
−978 |
978 |
Hedging reserve |
243 |
−243 |
187 |
−187 |
Earnings after tax |
−38 |
38 |
−26 |
26 |
Hedging reserve |
170 |
−168 |
190 |
−188 |
Earnings after tax |
−49 |
49 |
−33 |
33 |
Hedging reserve |
167 |
−167 |
169 |
−169 |
Earnings after tax |
−27 |
27 |
−44 |
44 |
Hedging reserve |
134 |
−134 |
155 |
−155 |
Earnings after tax |
−21 |
21 |
−19 |
19 |
Hedging reserve |
139 |
−139 |
205 |
−205 |
Earnings after tax |
−12 |
12 |
−26 |
26 |
Hedging reserve |
16 |
−16 |
54 |
−54 |
Earnings after tax |
112 |
−112 |
−219 |
219 |
Hedging reserve |
107 |
−106 |
184 |
−179 |
Earnings after tax |
−20 |
19 |
−27 |
27 |
Hedging reserve |
−55 |
55 |
−91 |
91 |
Earnings after tax |
54 |
−54 |
−11 |
11 |
Hedging reserve |
−79 |
79 |
32 |
−32 |
Earnings after tax |
−24 |
24 |
5 |
−5 |
4.2.2 Interest rate risk
Interest rate risk in the Volkswagen Group (excluding Volkswagen Group Mobility) results from changes in market interest rates, primarily for medium- and long-term variable interest receivables and liabilities. Interest rate swaps and cross-currency interest rate swaps are used to hedge against this risk, partially as fair value or cash flow hedge, and depending on market conditions. Intragroup financing arrangements are mainly structured to match the maturities of their refinancing. Departures from the Group standard are subject to centrally defined limits and monitored on an ongoing basis.
Interest rate risk within the meaning of IFRS 7 is calculated using sensitivity analyses. The effects of the risk-variable market rates of interest on the financial result and on equity are presented, net of tax.
If market interest rates had been 100 bps higher as of December 31, 2024, equity would have been €7 million (previous year: €21 million) lower. If market interest rates had been 100 bps lower as of December 31, 2024, equity would have been €3 million (previous year: €22 million) higher.
If market interest rates had been 100 bps higher as of December 31, 2024, earnings after tax would have been €294 million (previous year: €362 million) lower. If market interest rates had been 100 bps lower as of December 31, 2024, earnings after tax would have been €314 million (previous year: €382 million) higher.
4.2.3 Commodity price risk
Commodity price risk in the Volkswagen Group (excluding Volkswagen Group Mobility) primarily results from price fluctuations and the availability of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, precious metals and commodities required in connection with the Group’s digitalization and electrification strategy, and of CO2 certificates and rubber.
Commodity price risk is limited by entering into forward transactions and swaps.
However, not all commodities are suitable for these types of hedges, e.g. because of low market liquidity or a lack of correlation between hedged item and hedging instrument. Likewise, selected commodities were purchased on the spot market, which led to a corresponding increase in inventories. Commodity price risk within the meaning of IFRS 7 is presented using sensitivity analyses. These show what effect changes in the commodity price risk variable would have on earnings after tax and on equity.
If the commodity prices of the hedged non-ferrous metals and rubber had been 10% higher (lower) as of December 31, 2024, earnings after tax would have been €26 million (previous year: €648 million) higher (lower).
If commodity prices in hedging transactions to which hedge accounting is applied had been 10% higher (lower) as of December 31, 2024, equity would have been €450 million (previous year: €27 million) higher (lower).
4.2.4 Equity and bond price risk
The special funds launched using surplus liquidity and the equity interests measured at fair value are subject in particular to equity price and bond price risk, which can arise from fluctuations in quoted market prices, stock exchange indices and market rates of interest. The changes in bond prices resulting from variations in the market rates of interest are quantified in sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2, as are the measurement of foreign currency and other interest rate risks arising from the special funds and the equity interests measured at fair value. As a rule, risks arising from the special funds are countered by ensuring a broad diversification of products, issuers and regional markets when investing funds, as stipulated by the Investment Guidelines of the Group. Furthermore, the Investment Guidelines define fixed minimum values, which are to be met by taking suitable risk management measures. In addition, hedging is carried out when market conditions are appropriate.
As part of the presentation of market risk, IFRS 7 requires disclosures on how hypothetical changes in risk variables affect the price of financial instruments. Potential risk variables here are in particular quoted market prices or indices, as well as interest rate changes as bond price parameters.
If share prices had been 10% higher as of December 31, 2024, earnings after tax would have been €478 million (previous year: €290 million) higher and equity would have been €134 million (previous year: €4 million) higher. If share prices had been 10% lower as of December 31, 2024, earnings after tax would have been €434 million (previous year: €270 million) lower and equity would have been €134 million (previous year: €4 million) lower.
4.3 Market risk at Volkswagen group mobility
Exchange rate risk in Volkswagen Group Mobility is mainly attributable to assets that are not denominated in the functional currency and from refinancing within operating activities. Interest rate risk relates to refinancing without matching maturities and the varying interest rate elasticity of individual asset and liability items. The risks are limited by the use of currency and interest rate hedges.
Microhedges are used for interest rate hedging. Fixed-rate assets and liabilities included in the hedging strategy are recognized at fair value, as opposed to their original subsequent measurement at amortized cost. The resulting effects in the income statement are offset by the corresponding gains and losses on the interest rate hedging instruments (swaps). Currency hedges (currency forwards and cross-currency interest rate swaps) are used to mitigate foreign currency risk. All cash flows in foreign currency are hedged.
As of December 31, 2024, the value at risk was €958 million (previous year: €976 million) for interest rate risk and €191 million (previous year: €133 million) for foreign currency risk.
The entire value at risk for interest rate and foreign currency risk at Volkswagen Group Mobility was €981 million (previous year: €893 million).
5. Methods for monitoring hedge effectiveness
The Volkswagen Group determines hedge effectiveness mainly on a prospective basis using the critical terms match method. Retrospective analysis of effectiveness uses a test for ineffectivities in the form of the dollar offset method. Under the dollar offset method, the changes in value of the hedged item expressed in monetary units are compared with the changes in value of the hedging instrument expressed in monetary units.
To this end, the accumulated changes in the fair value of the designated component of the hedging instrument and hedged item are compared. If the critical terms do not match, the same procedure is applied to the non-designated component.
Notional amount of derivatives
The summary below presents the remaining maturities profile of the notional amounts of the hedging instruments, which are accounted for under the Volkswagen Group’s hedge accounting rules, and of derivatives to which hedge accounting is not applied:
€ million |
up to one year |
within one to five years |
more than five years |
Dec. 31, 2024 |
Notional amount of hedging instruments within hedge accounting |
Hedging interest rate risk |
Interest rate swap |
14,498 |
45,796 |
5,714 |
66,008 |
Hedging currency risk |
Currency forwards/Cross-currency swaps |
Currency forwards/Cross-currency swaps in CNY |
5,378 |
10,103 |
– |
15,481 |
Currency forwards/Cross-currency swaps in GBP |
15,919 |
17,015 |
– |
32,933 |
Currency forwards/Cross-currency swaps in USD |
14,675 |
21,404 |
123 |
36,202 |
Currency forwards/Cross-currency swaps in CHF |
2,942 |
8,670 |
418 |
12,029 |
Currency forwards/Cross-currency swaps in other currencies |
19,767 |
16,682 |
76 |
36,526 |
Currency options |
Currency options in CHF |
1,204 |
2,281 |
– |
3,485 |
Currency options in other currencies |
2,835 |
2,001 |
– |
4,836 |
Combined interest rate and currency risk hedging |
Cross-currency interest rate swaps |
2,272 |
854 |
– |
3,127 |
Hedging commodity price risk |
Commodity forwards/swaps aluminium |
1,366 |
1,901 |
– |
3,267 |
Commodity forwards/swaps copper |
527 |
1,330 |
7 |
1,865 |
Commodity forwards/swaps nickel |
1,059 |
1,972 |
116 |
3,148 |
Commodity forwards/swaps other |
706 |
170 |
– |
876 |
Notional amount of other derivatives |
Hedging interest rate risk |
Interest rate swap |
22,805 |
48,011 |
12,750 |
83,566 |
Hedging currency risk |
Currency forwards/Cross-currency swaps |
Currency forwards/Cross-currency swaps in USD |
12,288 |
6,097 |
1,054 |
19,439 |
Currency forwards/Cross-currency swaps in other currencies |
20,991 |
5,784 |
11 |
26,786 |
Currency options |
Currency options in USD |
2,535 |
131 |
– |
2,666 |
Currency options in other currencies |
73 |
107 |
– |
180 |
Combined interest rate and currency risk hedging |
Cross-currency interest rate swaps |
4,023 |
9,131 |
2,570 |
15,724 |
Hedging commodity price risk |
Commodity forwards/swaps |
386 |
161 |
112 |
659 |
€ million |
up to one year |
within one to five years |
more than five years |
Dec. 31, 2023 |
Notional amount of hedging instruments within hedge accounting |
Hedging interest rate risk |
Interest rate swap |
14,174 |
50,233 |
5,587 |
69,993 |
Hedging currency risk |
Currency forwards/Cross-currency swaps |
Currency forwards/Cross-currency swaps in CNY |
5,708 |
10,032 |
62 |
15,802 |
Currency forwards/Cross-currency swaps in GBP |
12,743 |
7,067 |
– |
19,810 |
Currency forwards/Cross-currency swaps in USD |
12,383 |
21,008 |
1,000 |
34,391 |
Currency forwards/Cross-currency swaps in CHF |
2,790 |
8,726 |
60 |
11,576 |
Currency forwards/Cross-currency swaps in other currencies |
19,346 |
18,877 |
86 |
38,309 |
Currency options |
Currency options in USD |
1,264 |
1,174 |
– |
2,437 |
Currency options in CNY |
4,733 |
1,906 |
– |
6,639 |
Currency options in CHF |
1,274 |
2,462 |
– |
3,736 |
Currency options in other currencies |
583 |
836 |
– |
1,419 |
Combined interest rate and currency risk hedging |
Cross-currency interest rate swaps |
1,174 |
872 |
– |
2,046 |
Hedging commodity price risk |
Commodity forwards/swaps aluminium |
146 |
87 |
– |
234 |
Commodity forwards/swaps copper |
43 |
102 |
– |
145 |
Commodity forwards/swaps other |
44 |
8 |
– |
52 |
Notional amount of other derivatives |
Hedging interest rate risk |
Interest rate swap |
21,553 |
37,648 |
17,178 |
76,379 |
Hedging currency risk |
Currency forwards/Cross-currency swaps |
Currency forwards/Cross-currency swaps in USD |
10,370 |
8,605 |
218 |
19,193 |
Currency forwards/Cross-currency swaps in other currencies |
16,184 |
3,095 |
0 |
19,279 |
Currency options |
Currency options in CNY |
5,529 |
– |
– |
5,529 |
Currency options in other currencies |
4,087 |
511 |
– |
4,598 |
Combined interest rate and currency risk hedging |
Cross-currency interest rate swaps |
2,298 |
12,293 |
3,406 |
17,997 |
Hedging commodity price risk |
Commodity forwards/swaps aluminium |
1,263 |
2,535 |
– |
3,798 |
Commodity forwards/swaps copper |
489 |
1,257 |
– |
1,746 |
Commodity forwards/swaps nickel |
1,021 |
2,564 |
218 |
3,803 |
Commodity forwards/swaps other |
522 |
126 |
– |
648 |
Both derivatives closed with offsetting transactions and the offsetting transactions themselves are included in the respective notional amount. The offsetting transactions cancel out the effects of the original hedging transactions. If the offsetting transactions were not included, the respective notional amount would be lower. In addition to the derivatives used for hedging foreign currency, interest rate and price risk, the Group held options and other derivatives on equity instruments at the reporting date, mainly in connection with fund investments. The notional volume with a remaining maturity of less than one year was €30.3 billion (previous year: €19.9 billion). The notional volume with a remaining maturity of more than one year was €3.1 billion (previous year: €4.2 billion) and relates primarily to options in connection with the acquisition of Europcar.
Also in connection with fund investments, the Group held credit default swaps with a notional amount of €17.4 billion (previous year: €32.2 billion).
Existing cash flow hedges in the notional amount of €3.2 billion (previous year: €5.2 billion) were discontinued because of a reduction in the projections. In addition, hedges were to be terminated due to internal risk regulations.
Items hedged under cash flow hedges are expected to be realized in accordance with the maturity buckets of the hedges reported in the table. For cash flow hedges, the Volkswagen Group achieved an average hedging interest rate of 3.33% for hedging interest rate risk. In addition, currency risk was hedged at the following hedging exchange rates for the major currency pairs: EUR/USD at 1.15; EUR/GBP at 0.88; EUR/CNY at 7.42.
The average hedging prices used in commodity price hedging were USD 2,533.41/tonne for aluminum, USD 8,520.09/tonne for copper and USD 19,263.03/tonne for nickel.
The fair values of the derivatives are estimated using market data at the balance sheet date as well as by appropriate valuation techniques. The following term structures were used for the calculation:
in % |
Interest rate for six months |
2.3838 |
3.0150 |
0.2100 |
1.5790 |
3.7917 |
4.5613 |
0.3925 |
5.9282 |
2.5768 |
4.2404 |
Interest rate for one year |
2.1230 |
2.8730 |
0.0500 |
1.4523 |
3.6030 |
4.4566 |
0.5150 |
5.6410 |
2.4234 |
4.1588 |
Interest rate for five years |
2.0615 |
2.6900 |
0.1700 |
1.4150 |
3.6625 |
4.0488 |
0.7963 |
4.9970 |
2.5050 |
4.0075 |
Interest rate for ten years |
2.2265 |
2.9190 |
0.3775 |
1.5350 |
3.8080 |
4.0712 |
1.0563 |
5.1550 |
2.7150 |
4.0299 |