Annual Report 2024

Group Management Report

Structure and Business Activities

This chapter describes the legal and organizational structure of the Volkswagen Group and explains the material changes in 2024 with respect to equity investments.


Volkswagen AG is the parent company of the Volkswagen Group. It develops vehicles and components for the Group brands, and also produces and sells vehicles, in particular passenger cars and light commercial vehicles for the Volkswagen Passenger Cars and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles brands. In its capacity as parent company, Volkswagen AG holds direct or indirect interests in AUDI AG, SEAT S.A., Škoda Auto a.s., Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, TRATON SE, Volkswagen Financial Services AG, Volkswagen Financial Services Overseas AG and a large number of other companies in Germany and abroad. More detailed disclosures are contained in the list of shareholdings in accordance with sections 285 and 313 of the Handelsgesetzbuch (HGB – German Commercial Code), which can be accessed at and is part of the annual financial statements.

Volkswagen AG is a vertically integrated energy supply company as defined by section 3 no. 38 of the Energiewirtschaftsgesetz (EnWG – German Energy Industry Act) and is therefore subject to the provisions of the EnWG. In the electricity sector, Volkswagen AG generates, sells and distributes electricity as a group together with its subsidiaries.

The Volkswagen AG Board of Management has sole responsibility for managing the Company. The Supervisory Board appoints, monitors and advises the Board of Management; it is consulted directly on decisions that are of fundamental significance for the Company.


The Volkswagen Group is one of the leading multibrand groups in the automotive industry. The Company’s business activities comprise the Automotive and Financial Services divisions. Our core brands within the Automotive Division – with the exception of the Volkswagen Passenger Cars and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles brands – are independent legal entities.

The Automotive Division comprises the Passenger Cars, Commercial Vehicles and Power Engineering business areas.

The Passenger Cars Business Area primarily consolidates the Volkswagen Group’s passenger car brands and the Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles brand. Activities focus on the development of vehicles, engines, motors, vehicle software and batteries, the production and sale of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles, and the genuine parts business. The product portfolio ranges from compact cars to luxury vehicles and also includes motorcycles, and is supplemented by mobility solutions.

Volkswagen Group reporting structure (graphic)

The Commercial Vehicles Business Area primarily comprises the development of vehicles, engines, motors, the production and sale of trucks and buses, the genuine parts business and related services. The commercial vehicles portfolio ranges from light vans to heavy trucks and buses. The collaboration between the commercial vehicle brands is coordinated within TRATON SE.

The Power Engineering Business Area combines the large-bore diesel engines, turbomachinery and propulsion components businesses.

The activities of the Financial Services Division comprise dealership and customer financing, leasing, direct banking and insurance activities, fleet management and mobility services.

With its brands, the Volkswagen Group mainly serves individual, corporate and fleet customers in all markets around the world that are relevant for the Group, including Europe and other markets, North America, South America and Asia-Pacific.

Volkswagen AG and the Volkswagen Group are managed by the Volkswagen AG Board of Management in accordance with the Volkswagen AG Articles of Association and the rules of procedure for Volkswagen AG’s Board of Management issued by the Supervisory Board.

Accordingly, responsibilities in the Board of Management are currently divided among ten Board functions. In addition to the “Chair of the Board of Management” function, the other Board functions are “Technology”, “Finance and Operations”, “Human Resources and Trucks brand group”, “Integrity and Legal Affairs”, “Progressive brand group”, “Sport Luxury brand group”, “China”, “IT” and “Core brand group”. The Chair of the Board of Management is also responsible for the “Sport Luxury brand group” Board function.

Directly attached to the Board are a number of Group Management functions that act as an extension to the Board functions. These comprise the “Group Sales”, “Group Production”, “Group Procurement” and “Group Research and Development” functions.

The allocation of responsibilities on the Board of Management is based on the rules of procedure decided by the Supervisory Board. The way this is structured is intended to help the Board of Management to focus on key tasks such as strategy, central decisions on the Company’s direction, capital allocation and financial requirements. The task of the extended Board-level management functions is to leverage synergies in the Group and to connect the brands and divisions.

Board of Management committees exist at Group level for the following areas: products, technologies, investments, digital transformation, integrity and compliance, risk management and management issues. In addition to the responsible Board of Management members, the committees include representatives of the departments relevant to the subject, and of the brands, brand groups and companies involved. We are continually revising and optimizing these and other top management committees in the Group in order to verify that they still align with our Group strategy and to further increase the efficiency of their decision-making. This reduces complexity and reinforces governance within the Group.

The Volkswagen Group’s new leadership model introduced in 2023 is based on a strong customer orientation, entrepreneurship and team spirit and follows the “value over volume” principle, prioritizing sustainable value creation. In this context, the Group’s brand groups also received a new steering model. The Core brand group comprises the Volkswagen Passenger Cars, Škoda, SEAT/CUPRA and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles brands. The Progressive brand group comprises the Audi, Lamborghini, Bentley and Ducati brands. The Sport Luxury brand group consists of the Porsche brand. The company responsible for this brand, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG (Porsche AG), is listed on the stock market. In the Trucks brand group, TRATON SE acts as the umbrella for the Scania, MAN, Volkswagen Truck & Bus and International (formerly Navistar) commercial vehicles brands. TRATON SE is also a listed company.

We are convinced that our corporate structure, which connects not only the brand groups but also the technology platforms, will enable us to make better use of existing expertise and economies of scale, leverage synergies more systematically and accelerate decision-making. In our view, clear responsibilities and a high degree of business responsibility in the brand groups and technology platforms form the basis for our sustainable success.

Each brand within the Volkswagen Group is managed by a brand board of management, which is responsible for the brand’s independent and self-contained development and business operations. To the extent permitted by law, the board adheres to the Group targets and requirements laid down by the Board of Management of Volkswagen AG, as well as to the agreements in the brand groups. This allows Group-wide interests to be pursued, while at the same time safeguarding and reinforcing each brand’s specific characteristics. Matters that are of importance to the Group as a whole are submitted to the Volkswagen AG Board of Management to enable synergetic implementation, to the extent permitted by law. Group policies decided by the Group Board of Management are an important instrument in this regard. Volkswagen AG employs Group policies as steering instruments to communicate its requirements, such as uniform standards and frameworks for action, to the Group companies. The rights and obligations of the statutory bodies of the relevant brand company thereby remain unaffected.

The Volkswagen Group companies are managed solely by their respective managements. The management of each individual company takes into account not only the interests of its own company but also the interests of the Group, the relevant brand group and the individual brands in accordance with the framework laid down by law.


Volkswagen Group (Volkswagen) and US electric vehicle manufacturer Rivian Automotive, Inc., Irvine/USA (Rivian), announced their intention to establish a joint venture in June 2024. After reaching technical milestones and obtaining the necessary official approvals, Rivian and VW Group Technology, LLC, Palo Alto/USA (Rivian and Volkswagen Group Technologies) commenced activities on November 13, 2024. The two partners hold equal shares in the joint venture, which functions as an independent company.

The aim of the partnership is to develop the next generation of software-defined vehicle (SDV) architectures to be used in future vehicles of both companies. The joint venture builds on Rivian’s software and electrical architecture to facilitate the joint development of best-in-class architectures and software for SDVs of both partners.

Volkswagen is planning to invest up to USD 5.8 billion in Rivian and the Rivian and Volkswagen Group Technologies joint venture by no later than January 2028. An initial investment in Rivian was made in June 2024, taking the form of an unsecured convertible note of USD 1 billion, which was converted into 95,377,269 ordinary shares of Rivian on December 3, 2024. Volkswagen therefore holds around 8.6% of the outstanding class A shares of Rivian, representing a share of around 8% of the voting rights. When the operations of Rivian and Volkswagen Group Technologies commenced, Volkswagen invested an additional approximately USD 1.3 billion, in particular for the acquisition of the licenses in Rivian’s existing architecture technology and for the 50-percent share of the joint venture. When certain financial and technical milestones are reached in 2025, 2026 and 2027, Volkswagen expects to make further investments of up to USD 3.5 billion in the form of equity and debt, of which up to USD 2.5 billion will be for ordinary shares of Rivian.


Like other international companies, the business of Volkswagen companies is affected by numerous laws in Germany and abroad. In particular, there are legal requirements relating to services, development, products, production and distribution, as well as supervisory, data protection, financial, company, commercial, capital market, anti-trust and tax regulations and regulations relating to labor, banking, state aid, energy, environmental and insurance law.


The Group Corporate Governance Declaration can be found in this annual report and is permanently available on our website at

Software Defined Vehicles (SDV)
Vehicles designed and developed with a focus on software. Highly digitalized with high-performance computers and modern, embedded computer systems. Their functions can be centrally controlled and updated and extended over the vehicle’s life. Their software docks flexibly with all kinds of hardware – from control units to sensors such as cameras and lidar. SDVs are considered the basis for safe, intelligently communicating vehicle fleets, a new customer experience in infotainment and highly automated driving functions.
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