Annual Report 2024

To our Shareholders

Corporate Governance and Declaration of conformity

Among the topics addressed at the Supervisory Board meeting on November 15, 2024 was the implementation of the recommendations and suggestions of the Code in the Volkswagen Group. We discussed the Code’s requirements in detail and issued the annual declaration of conformity with the recommendations of the Code in accordance with section 161 of the AktG together with the Board of Management.

The joint declarations of conformity by the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board are permanently available at Additional information on the implementation of the recommendations and suggestions of the Code can be found in the Group Corporate Governance Declaration.

The Audit Committee agreed on a suitable procedure with the Board of Management for ongoing monitoring of the Volkswagen Group’s related-party transactions. In some cases, related-party transactions are subject to a requirement for the Supervisory Board to provide consent and a disclosure obligation. The procedure for ongoing monitoring of related-party transactions and the approach taken by the Supervisory Board are described in detail in the Group Corporate Governance Declaration. In the reporting year, there were no cases in which a requirement to provide consent or a disclosure obligation arose based on the rules for related-party transactions.