24. Equity
The subscribed capital of Volkswagen AG is composed of no-par value bearer shares with a notional value of €2.56. As well as ordinary shares, there are preferred shares that entitle the bearer to a €0.06 higher dividend than ordinary shares, but do not carry voting rights.
The Annual General Meeting on May 10, 2023 resolved to create authorized capital of up to €228 million, expiring on May 9, 2028, to issue new preferred bearer shares.
The subscribed capital is composed of 295,089,818 no-par value ordinary shares (previous year: 295,089,818) and 206,205,445 no-par value preferred shares (previous year: 206,205,445), and amounts to €1,283,315,873 (previous year: €1,283,315,873).
The capital reserves comprise the share premium totaling €14,225 million (previous year: €14,225 million) from capital increases, the share premium of €219 million from the issuance of bonds with warrants and an amount of €107 million appropriated on the basis of the capital reduction implemented in 2006. No amounts were withdrawn from the capital reserves.
Dividends and dividend proposal
In accordance with section 58(2) of the Aktiengesetz (AktG – German Stock Corporation Act), the dividend payment by Volkswagen AG is based on the net retained profits reported in the annual financial statements of Volkswagen AG prepared in accordance with the German Commercial Code. Based on these annual financial statements of Volkswagen AG, and following the transfer of €1,960 million to revenue reserves, net retained profits of €3,175 million are eligible for distribution. The Board of Management and Supervisory Board will propose to the Annual General Meeting that a total dividend of €3,171 million, i.e. €6.30 per ordinary share and €6.36 per preferred share, be paid from the net retained profits. Shareholders are not entitled to a dividend payment until it has been resolved by the Annual General Meeting.
In fiscal year 2024, based on the resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Volkswagen AG of May 29, 2024, a dividend of €9.00 per ordinary share and €9.06 per preferred share was paid.
Under IAS 32, the hybrid notes of the Volkswagen Group must be classified in their entirety as equity. The capital raised was recognized in equity, less a discount and transaction costs and net of deferred taxes. The interest payments payable to the noteholders will be recognized directly in equity. IAS 32 only allows these hybrid notes to be classified as debt once the respective hybrid note is called. Interest may be accumulated depending on whether a dividend is paid to Volkswagen AG shareholders.
In May 2024, Volkswagen AG called a hybrid note (maturity: 6 years) with a principal amount of €1,250 million, which had been placed in 2018 via Volkswagen International Finance N.V., Amsterdam/the Netherlands (issuer). Once called, the note was classified as debt in accordance with IAS 32. Equity and net liquidity of the Volkswagen Group were reduced accordingly. The hybrid note was redeemed on June 27, 2024.
In July 2023, Volkswagen AG called a hybrid note (maturity: 10 years) with a principal amount of €750 million, which had been placed in 2013 via Volkswagen International Finance N.V., Amsterdam/the Netherlands (issuer). Once called, the note was classified as debt in accordance with IAS 32. Equity and net liquidity of the Volkswagen Group were reduced accordingly. The hybrid note was redeemed on September 4, 2023.
From the hybrid capital issued on September 6, 2023, Volkswagen AG recorded a cash inflow of €1,750 million less transaction costs of €9 million. In addition, the recognition of deferred taxes led to non-cash effects of €3 million.
As of December 31, 2024, non-controlling interests amounted to €14,437 million (previous year: €14,218 million). Non-controlling interests are mainly attributable to the Porsche AG Group and the TRATON GROUP.
The table below shows summarized financial information of the Porsche AG Group, including amortized goodwill and fair value adjustments, which were determined at the acquisition date:
€ million |
2024 |
2023 |
Non-controlling interests in %1 |
24.58 |
24.58 |
Non-controlling interests |
12,707 |
12,384 |
Non-current assets |
66,058 |
63,261 |
Current assets |
20,288 |
20,040 |
Non-current liabilities |
20,354 |
19,420 |
Current liabilities |
14,343 |
13,567 |
Sales revenue |
40,083 |
40,530 |
Earnings after tax |
3,542 |
5,128 |
Other comprehensive income, net of tax |
−116 |
471 |
Dividend paid to non-controlling interest shareholders |
517 |
225 |
Gross cash flow |
8,312 |
8,889 |
Change in working capital |
−1,960 |
−1,866 |
Cash flows from operating activities |
6,353 |
7,023 |
Cash flows from investing activities |
−4,007 |
−4,322 |
Net cash flow |
2,345 |
2,701 |
The table below shows summarized financial information of the TRATON GROUP, including amortized goodwill and fair value adjustments, which were determined at the acquisition date:
€ million |
2024 |
2023 |
Non-controlling interests in %1 |
10.28 |
10.28 |
Non-controlling interests |
1,525 |
1,553 |
Non-current assets |
43,961 |
41,769 |
Current assets |
22,804 |
21,101 |
Non-current liabilities |
24,873 |
23,272 |
Current liabilities |
23,263 |
22,373 |
Sales revenue |
47,473 |
46,872 |
Earnings after tax |
2,814 |
2,448 |
Other comprehensive income, net of tax |
−477 |
−25 |
Dividend paid to non-controlling interest shareholders |
77 |
36 |
Gross cash flow |
5,654 |
5,263 |
Change in working capital |
−3,315 |
−2,680 |
Cash flows from operating activities |
2,340 |
2,583 |
Cash flows from investing activities |
−2,782 |
−2,385 |
Net cash flow |
−442 |
198 |