6. Other operating expenses
€ million |
2024 |
2023 |
Loss allowances on trade receivables |
567 |
558 |
Loss allowances on other receivables and other assets |
2,575 |
2,051 |
Expenses from derivatives within hedge accounting |
864 |
754 |
Expenses from derivatives not within hedge accounting Financial Services |
661 |
1,221 |
Expenses from other hedges |
2,296 |
4,857 |
Foreign exchange losses |
3,100 |
3,793 |
Expenses from cost allocations |
1,171 |
1,113 |
Restructuring expenses |
2,510 |
62 |
Losses on disposal of non-current assets |
569 |
406 |
Miscellaneous other operating expenses |
5,998 |
4,719 |
20,312 |
19,534 |
Allowances on other receivables and other assets include allowances on receivables from long-term construction contracts amounting to €3.7 million (previous year: €2.1 million). For more information on restructuring expenses, see the “Key events” section.
Expenses from other hedges relate primarily to losses from the fair value measurement and realization of derivative financial instruments in the Automotive Division that are not designated in a hedging relationship. Gains are included in other operating income.