Annual Report 2024


This section addresses the sustainability topics of child labor and forced labor in accordance with ESRS 1.

Actions related to other work-related rights

The organizational units of the Volkswagen Group responsible for implementing actions relating to the focus area of other work-related rights are Group HR Compliance at Volkswagen AG and the relevant operational HR departments at company level, which use human and financial resources on an ongoing basis to have a positive effect on the material impacts for employees and to contribute toward achievement of the targets set.

Minimum standards to prevent violations of human rights in the recruitment process

To better implement social standards and respect human rights, various basic measures were introduced and actions that had already been initiated were expanded to include a focus on protecting human rights. In this way, identity and age checks are carried out for all employees who enter into a temporary or permanent training or employment contract with a Volkswagen Group company as part of Volkswagen’s recruitment process for external hires. In addition, the local minimum age limit for employment is checked. Furthermore, when the contract is concluded, the voluntary declaration of intent is documented and a confirmatory signature in the form of a job offer letter is provided.

In the event of deviations from the standard recruitment process, documentation is prepared and a decision is made in accordance with the principle of multiple-party verification. Discrepancies from the minimum age limit check are not permitted so as to ensure that child labor is avoided. The action applies in the recruitment process for potential new employees across the Group and in implementation for HR department employees. The measure is implemented continuously.

Through the actions to improve the recruitment process, the Volkswagen Group contributes to the actual and potential positive impacts on employees by promoting and enforcing compliance with social and human-rights standards.

The effectiveness of these actions is tracked by reviewing compliance with the actions each year using a risk-based approach.

Targets related to other work-related rights

No measurable outcome-oriented targets within the meaning of the requirements of the ESRS are currently defined in connection with child labor and forced labor. The effectiveness of the policies and actions in relation to the impacts identified through the materiality assessment performed this year for the first time is not currently monitored. On the basis of our corporate values, the Volkswagen Group does not tolerate any child labor or forced labor.

Metrics related to other work-related rights

A total of 3,555 reports were received through the investigation offices in the reporting year.

Cases received regarding discrimination and harassment are treated as potential serious regulatory violations of the rules. 37 cases that were categorized as potential serious regulatory violations of the rules concerned discrimination and/or harassment in the reporting year. In the reporting year, 22 cases were confirmed as serious regulatory violations of the rules concerning discrimination and harassment.

In the disciplinary statistics, 250 sanctioned cases were recorded in the discrimination/bullying/stalking and sexual harassment clusters in the reporting year. In some cases, these already include the serious violations identified. Taking this duplication into account, a total of 257 cases regarding discrimination and harassment were thus identified.

A further 15 cases that the investigation offices categorized as potential serious regulatory violations of the rules concerned workforce issues other than discrimination or harassment in the reporting year. In the reporting year, two cases were confirmed as serious regulatory violations of the rules concerning these workforce issues other than discrimination or harassment. The National Contact Points for OECD Multinational Enterprise submitted no cases in relation to workforce issues other than discrimination or harassment to the investigation offices.

The total amount of fines, penalties and compensation for damages including the incidents and complaints on discrimination, including harassment, was €9 thousand. This amount is reported under other operating expense in the income statement but not disclosed individually and can also include items from previous years.

During the reporting year, potential relevance to the LkSG was identified for 15 reports, specifically related to the protected human rights in the employment relationship. In this period, there were no confirmed violations of the human rights protected by the LkSG. This disclosure can also be based on reports received by the relevant investigation office in the previous year, but for which a check of whether a violation was confirmed was only performed during the reporting year. This also means that there are no cases of severe human rights violations within the meaning of the ESRS. Since the LkSG is based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, it can therefore be assumed that the indications of potential LkSG relevance correspond to potential violations of these frameworks in this respect. No fines, penalties or compensation for damages were incurred in connection with severe human rights incidents.